Ceramic Break Sculpture Park


October 2024

October 16th saw the unveiling of Kerry Cannon's latest installation at Ceramic Break Sculpture Park, A Tribute to Volunteers. A Tribute to Volunteers is a life size portrait sculpture of local legend Charlie Woollett who was a volunteer with SES for over 40 years. Thank you Charlie!

Charlie with Sculpture and Kerry

Charlie with Sculpture and friends

September 2020

In quiet and secret places 2 coveys of local artists are in creation mode.

One covey, a trio of professional artists (not the Kelly Gang) and the other,

a dedicated group of enthusiastic local High School students.

All are working to create a Philosopher’s Walk at Ceramic Break Sculpture Park near Warialda.

More to come..

At work the Philospher's Walk

Philosophers walk scupture, Kerry Cannon (left) with Philip and Yvonne Ledingham


load of sculptures

load of sculptures

A big load of sculptures from The Garage Art Foundry in Victoria arrives at Ceramic Break Sculpture Park.

Balancing Impala

The builder Dave and the trucky Dave balance the Impala.


The Impala flies into place.


There’s nothing easy in this world least of all installing The Big Gooney Bird!

Ceramic Break Sculpture Park © 2000 to 2025